JSON Voorhees
Killer JSON for C++
jsonv Directory Reference



file  algorithm.hpp [code]
 A collection of algorithms a la <algorithm>.
file  all.hpp [code]
 A head which includes all other JSON Voorhees headers.
file  coerce.hpp [code]
 A jsonv::value has a number of as_X operators, which strictly performs a transformation to a C++ data type.
file  config.hpp [code]
 Copyright (c) 2014-2019 by Travis Gockel.
file  demangle.hpp [code]
 Copyright (c) 2015 by Travis Gockel.
file  encode.hpp [code]
 Classes and functions for encoding JSON values to various representations.
file  extract.hpp [code]
 Extract a C++ class from a JSON value.
file  forward.hpp [code]
 Copyright (c) 2012-2014 by Travis Gockel.
file  functional.hpp [code]
 A collection of function objects a la <functional>.
file  optional.hpp [code]
 Pulls in an implementation of optional.
file  parse.hpp [code]
 Copyright (c) 2012-2014 by Travis Gockel.
file  path.hpp [code]
 Support for JSONPath.
file  serialization.hpp [code]
 Conversion between C++ types and JSON values.
file  serialization_builder.hpp [code]
 DSL for building formats.
file  serialization_optional.hpp [code]
 Template specialization to support optional<T> serialization.
file  serialization_util.hpp [code]
 Helper types and functions for serialization.
file  string_view.hpp [code]
 Pulls in an implementation of string_view.
file  tokenizer.hpp [code]
 A stream-based tokenizer meant to help with creating custom parsers.
file  util.hpp [code]
file  value.hpp [code]
 Copyright (c) 2012-2018 by Travis Gockel.